Friday, July 22, 2016

Episode 1: Trump vs Ruby Island

On the eve of his inauguration, Lando D. Trump was ambushed by sore losers Billary Panders and Job! Shrub. Using their dark magic, they attacked Lando in his sleep and cast him through a portal to another dimension. Cowardly losers! His ever faithful butler, Yont, dove through the portal to help serve Lando in a strange medieval world. Unsure what to do, Lando began making deals and building walls around his new, temporary home. Our story begins in Trump Town, once a fishing village turned booming port by Trump's inability to not succeed.


  1. WHERE IS THE SECOND EPISODE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    1. It will be posted on Friday, August 5 2016, Steven Barna, CDO.
